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The World of Unicellular. Install-01

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Выпуск 1 добавлен 20.05.11 14:36
Oleg Seriy, The World of Unicellular Install podcast
Extended Description
Critique: It is about the connection of Anunaki and the Earth for the first time. By the way, by this fact «The World of Unicellular» reminds very much of scandalous books of Zecharia Sitchin, such as «The 12th Planet» (1978), «When Time Began» (1993), «Jorneys to the Mythical Past» (2008) in which the origin of our planet and mankind as result of attack Anunaki from a planet of Nibiru reveals. Sales of these books were enormous and they have caused huge interest in the people. Zecharia Sitchin, the expert on history and culture of the Near East, ancient languages and Sumer writing, on the basis of system researches of Sumer, Assyrian, Babylon and Hebrew texts has come to the conclusions shaking bases both a modern science, and religions concerning a mankind origin. Oleg Seriy not only became on protection of the theory of Sitchin, but also has developed it in a new radical way, having added his own vision of the world creation. A task of Seriy, as he puts it to himself is «that we have think of and change our life», hence, the author is not able to manage it without the sermon turned to grass-roots.

There are so many talks about a doomsday and attack of aliens, but everybody thinks that aliens will capture people from space. There is no one thinking that it can be in another way. The author was the first expressing the ideas about those aliens are got into people!!! Also he was the first who has developed this idea.
Oleg Seriy hasn’t laid aside the problems of economic and political character also. George Orwell in his «1984», John Perkins in «Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man» tried to reach the judiciousness of people. But it was only the iceberg top. Oleg Seriy’s work is more deeply developed, rather than Perkins managed to do it. Oleg Seriy’ deeper and radical thoughts admire with the completeness and innovation. This book is really stunning from the point of view of sense and the maintenance.
The idea, that people are morons, is very courageous statement. Even Zion wise men that have described «Akumas» (people-slaves) in their reports, have not dare to do it. The idea about the deepest global problem of a society (mankind moronity) is a basis for thinking about meaning of the life. And it is necessary so few to reach the idyll, so desired by a society. The only thing needs is to resolve this problem (to get rid of mankind moronity). But are people capable to understand it? This question is bringing up through the whole book of the author.


The author has mentioned ideas, which only great writers, as H.G. Wells in his «War of the Worlds», or Ursula K. Le Guin in her «Rocannon’s World» have dared to mention. The Same ideas have been filmed in such films as «2012» directed by Roland Emmerich and «Mars attacks!» directed by Tim Burton, who has collected 2 awards and 13 nominations. It is just surprisingly how well Oleg Seriy has managed to display all problems exciting mankind in his book. Authors and directors even earlier have tried to state urgent problems in their works, but

Oleg Seriy managed to collect all facts in one book and to state them from a position of the modern world, to introduce the opinion of theory of a mankind origin from deeper point of view.
So favourite and popular among readers book of known writers even were filmed by successful directors: «1984» directed by Michael Radford (on George Orwell’s novel of the same name), «War of the worlds» directed by Stephen Spielberg (on Herbert Wells’ novel of the same name), «War of the worlds of Herbert Wells» by Timothy Hines (as a the filmed version of the novel of Herbert Wells «War of the worlds»).

Who is this AntiChrist?!? What are signs of a doomsday?!? What measures will be undertaken by aliens against the fallen mankind?!? In this book you will find answers to these and many other questions.

Good Luck
GSS, Ltd.

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