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Выпуск 8 добавлен 18.08.11 19:26

How Christians abused all Gods, except AntiChrist 666 (the Beast, whom they worship)… His name is Amen, i.e. hidden God. How Christians with the help of idiot Flavian Teodosius Augustus have killed Gepatija & captured the library of Alexandriya?!? Using physical force – it was a raider attack!.. They burned it. Everybody should know that people named themselves a presidents & nobody past an idiotic test. Who was the first, who put the jewish plan into action??? What is Christianity??? Amen & Alliluja!!! Trading with faith! The crucified Jesus Christ. Bible – is a weapon! Everything in Christianity is a weapon. The culture of this Unicellular was in deep & complete ass!!! Doomsday has already come. AnaNASA would like to speak with Anunakies & UFO’s, but Anunaki doesn’t speak & make business with idiots & imbeciles! How holy fathers fuck small boys & girls?))) Very easy!.. It is interesting, that in the world of unicellular there were different countries & languages – not a one language – as we have in our planet. Unicellular make sex only for sex, not for new babies… To be a moron – is a honorable for unicellular creatures, that are not smarter than the monkeys. Pirates enslaved Europeans, black people, Indians & so on – all people in this unicellular world. They only make money & sex – all their life.

Выпуск 7 добавлен 18.08.11 19:25

How international pirates killed such presidents as: Armin, president of Guatemala & Jaime Roldos Aquilera, president of Ecuador & Omar Torrijos, president of Panama & Charles, president of Venesuela & Saddam Hussein, president of Iraq… Killers were from CIA (central inter-coloured assassins) & international government. How Emperor rules the hole world thanks to corpocracy principles... They control everything, they are slaveholders, all others are slaves (akumes). Information about that, how the slaves pay taxes to different Funds & how they are fucked up… How politics, businessmen & mass media destroy the slaves (a biomass)… You should know than when all says “peace & safety”, all they should be destroyed. Some info about politician & church ad-ministrations – the Ministers of Hell!.. Unfortunally or fortunally, USA is a colony of Great Britain & USSR lost the war with Germany... Democracy – it is a demon power! Everything another – is a bullshit!!!

Выпуск 6 добавлен 18.08.11 19:22

About slaves & slaveholders. Why slaves are slaves? Because they are working for the global financial system & pay their credits! Thanks to money & brain-calculators of their slaveholders! How international pirates killed a millions of people? Very easy! Planet pirates created weapons & used them against unicellular & multicellular beings. Normal conversation between unicellular & multicellular. About the first angel – Lucifer, and also some info about Mihail, Gabriil & the God. Paganism and communism… About good president of USA Avraam Linkoln, who was killed by International Pirates. USA people should know that dollars and Federal Bank is so federal, as «Federal Express». Economical killers & economical slavery… Money is the God of Unicellular in the Earth!!! About Dr. Mohammed Mossadick, president of Iran & how he was killed by the pirates (by CIA – central international-colored assassins).

Oleg Seriy audio, Марицабо, Олег Серый? Бог Дьявол Сатана
Выпуск 5 добавлен 01.06.11 17:05

About a shit, that is a food for morons (GMO, Acid & so on). TV, sex & alcohol (bread & circuses) - it is only what the unicellular needs. Hypophysis - is a creator of a reality! How alcohol destroys it & all generation. & now we have a fully fuck up of degenerates! Fashion fastivals, such words as "peace & security" are the symbols of Doomsday, as it was said by Nostradamus. Some information about fallen Angels - nephilims, about Lucifer, ArchAngel Michail, Azazel, Devil & Mazarin. Then! Money was the God of Unicellular, not Jesus Christ! Unicellular Elite kept dollars in home & worshipped them. You should know that USA is a colony of Great Britain & All the World belongs to International Pirates. Their method - devide & rule. About matrix - system of unicellular beings.

Oleg Seriy audio, Марицабо, Олег Серый? Бог Дьявол Сатана
Выпуск 4 добавлен 01.06.11 17:01

About state mashines (countries & governments) & how international pirates make all the hole world as their private corporation. More about unicellular & culture & their lives. How Big Asses Unicellular (Ministers of Hell) control all the bastards. Something about slaveholders, that organize revolutions, make viruses (for example, AIDs) & control all this godless world on behalf of International Government. About poisoned water & genetically modified(GMO)-products, that unicellular beings are drinking & eating. Moronity is an illness. About this illness & medicines. Also you would listen some words about multicellular. You should know, that Jesus Christ is one of the pagan Pharaons, from whom christians rewrote their history. You see, Unicellular beings worshipped Amen - the hidden God. About religion, Vatican & their fraud! The church is an affiliate of the Devil!

Oleg Seriy audio, Марицабо, Олег Серый
Выпуск 3 добавлен 01.06.11 16:56

About Doomsday, Unicellular beings & Ad-ministrators (the ministers of HELL). Who are them? What they are?!? Also it is a speach about AnaNASA, God (with music from USSR & russian), jokes about used ex-minister of Kiev (Ukraine, also state of Unicellular), Leonid Chernovetskiy & Sunday Adeladzha! About GREAT SEX between Eva & Lucifer in Paradise!!! Also about sex between Eva & Adam. About all the people... How God gave his love to annother Angels, thanks to Lucifer (666)! Incarnations of Angel of Light (Lucifer): Lucifer (Paradise), Devil (Hell), Maricabo (Earth)... Alliluya!!!

Oleg Seriy, The World of Unicellular Install podcast
Выпуск 2 добавлен 01.06.11 16:53

About Gamgick - God of Pot. Or about how our world was created! About Admin & Pleva, that were created by Gods glitches! War of gamgiman & maturganchics.

Выпуск 1 добавлен 01.06.11 16:47

About international presentation of this book in freemasonry center by Antichrist 666 (Beast is alive). About landing of aliens to the Earth from Nibiru, or Planet X, or Herkolubus. About UFOs & the moronic mankind of people. That is the Doomsday! It is already come!!!

Олег Серый аудиокнига
Выпуск 2 добавлен 20.05.11 14:54

Инсталляция известной книги "Мир Одноклеточных" от Олега Серого. Часть 2-я. Но это не аудиокнига, а ее часть.

Oleg Seriy, The World of Unicellular Install podcast
Выпуск 1 добавлен 20.05.11 14:36

Инсталляция из книги Мир Одноклеточных от известного писателя Олега Серого на английском. Эпизод № 1. It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of «Book of Rescue from the Doomsday 2012-2013» for the World of Unicellular. Moreover, it is a span-new book. Are you still waiting for Armageddon? Doomsday has already come... You needn’t waiting for it neither in 2012, nor in some other year. People should be deleted.


Выходит с 20 мая 2011 года
Автор: ПРОЕКТ - ЭДЕМ, Ent.

Подкастов: 20

Последняя запись: 12 августа 2013 года

  1. Открытая Книга
    Аудиокниги и аудиостатьи, рассчитанные на широкую аудиторию. .
  2. Открытый доступ. Любимые книги.
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  3. Тест-драйв
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  5. Собаки Павлова
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  7. Профилактика Онлайн
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  8. ТАСС уполномочен заявить
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  9. До 16 и младше
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  10. Модель Для Сборки
    Радиопостановки Влада Коппа.
  11. Живые: без лишних слов
    Только музыка из программы "Живые".
  12. Народный продюсер
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  13. Женщина. Руководство по эксплуатации
    Сергей Стиллавин и Рустам Вахидов обсуждают всё о женщинах.
  14. Живые: полная версия программы
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  16. Ladywaks
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  17. Среда Джаза с Давидом Голощекиным
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  20. Мужчина на кухне
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  22. Перченый Питер
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  23. Новости Науки и Техники
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  24. Рунетология
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  25. РадиоСтранствия
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  26. Сага о форсайте
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  28. Тори
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  29. Аудиобуквы
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  32. Дело о мрачной девушке
    Аудиокнига "Дело о мрачной девушке".
  33. Аудиокнига "Пещера" (Марина и Сергей Дяченко)
    Лучший роман фантастов Марины и Сергея Дяченко.
  34. Откровенно про IT карьеризм
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  35. MediaFresh
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  36. KeddroCast
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  38. Пандем
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  39. Берись и делай
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  40. Признаки Времени
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  46. Взгляд Максима Кононенко
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  47. Наука 2.0
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  48. Обзор блогов
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  51. EAshooters
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  52. Футбольное обострение
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  53. Автовести
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